About Career Coaching

About Career CoachingCareer coaching is the process of enabling an individual to assess their personal resources and help them make positive career related decisions.  By looking critically and objectively at someone’s career history, their skills and their aspirations we help people take positive steps on the career route most suited to them and their needs.

We work with both individuals and organisations, helping people move in the directions they want to go.

Reasons for coaching

Typically the reasons people say they are looking for coaching include:

  • I am encountering some difficulties in my current job and need help to resolve these.
  • I am not satisfied or happy in my job and I would like to change direction.
  • I have a number of career options open to me.  How can I decide which one would suit me best?
  • I am about to be made redundant and I need to plan what to do.
  • I have not been in paid employment for some time.
  • I need someone to assist me to assess my skills and build up my confidence.

See our methodology section for more detail on how the process works.

Contact us to discuss your coaching needs.